Monday, February 16, 2015

Gifts of the Earth: Essential Oils 101

Gifts of the Earth: Essential Oils 101

Here is the Product Order Form:

I am giving you this for 2 reasons. 

1)I can't stand it when I'm at a class and don't know the prices of the things being discussed. One column shows retail prices and he wholesale price is in bold. The bold column is all you need to look at. Most people purchase that way, whether they are buying just as consumers or wanting to build a business with DōTerra. 

2) A lot of people use this as a wish list to help keep track of the things they want and to make notes throughout the class. So, if you are able to, print this off ahead of time to get ready for the class tomorrow! 

Post #1 
Good evening and welcome to Essential Oils 101. I'm so excited to have you join me this evening to learn about the incredible benefits of using essential oils. The way this class works is I will post something new every few minutes or so for the next hour.  This allows time for you each to interact, post comments and ask questions. As you comment, the posts may start to appear out of order, but don't worry, I will number each post so you can follow along. Be sure to refresh your page periodically to make sure you have them all. 

Some of you here tonight have already begun experiencing the powerful healing that these oils can provide. I encourage you to jump right in with your experience and knowledge. You haven't already watched the video titled "dōTERRA: Gift of the earth", I encourage you to do so now. 

Post #2
Roll call! Where is everyone from? I live in Orem, Utah. There will be a giveaway at the end of this class. Every time you comment on a post you'll be entered into the drawing! Good luck! 

Post #3  Why I started using oils.  My 8 year old son has Sensory Processing Disorder,  ADHD, high functioning autism (Aspergers Syndrome) and is off the charts gifted.  When kindergarten started started a few years ago we had a terrible time with homework.  And by terrible, I mean an hour to even get him to the table, and another hour to do 1 little page.  We were both exhausted and I knew there had to be another way.  I'd tried all the tools they'd taught us in behavior therapy and nothing was working. He was just one continuous meltdown for days and days on end.  Sure, I could have put him on the 4 medications that his doctor prescribed but at 4 years old and barely 40 lbs, I couldn't bring myself to give this young, frail kid so many pills that could have lifelong effects and addictions to his body. My mother in law started putting lavender in his bath and the calming effects were immediate. Now that I'd seen the proof, I started dabbling in them for myself. I began to research and use other oils with him and it was like having a different child that day. 
Mini me now comes up and asks for his "calm down" oils when he's feeling overwhelmed, and even made his own blend that he takes and regularly uses at school. We especially love our "Owie oils" because he's quite the rough and tumble kid. 

Post #4  Essential oils may seem like the new fad everyone is talking about, but did you know they've been around thousands of years?  Medicine as we typically think of has only been around for a little over 100 years.  Check out the graphic below.  

From the Egyptians, to the Greeks, Romans, Persians, Chinese, even Indian Ayurvedics used aromatic essential oils extensively in medical practice, hygiene, beauty treatments, food preparation, and in religious ceremonies. 

Post #5  What are essential oils?
Essential oils are Natural compounds found in roots, seeds, leaves, stems, flowers, bark and other parts of plants.  They can be both beautifully and powerfully fragrant.  If you have ever enjoyed the gift of an Easter lily (my personal favorite), a walk by a field or lavender or the smell of fresh cut mint or oregano from the garden, then you have experienced the aromatic qualities of essential oils.  
In addition to giving us these distinctive smells, Essential oils also provide plants with protection against predators and disease while playing a role in pollination.
Essential oils are non water based phytochemicals made up of sometimes hundreds of volatile aromatic compounds.  Although they are fat soluble they do not include fatty lipids or acids found in vegetable and animal oils.
DōTerra CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade oils represent the safest, purest, and most beneficial essential oils available today.  They are gently and skillfully distilled from plants that have been patiently harvested at the perfect moment by experienced growers from around the world for ideal extract composition and efficacy.

Post #6  WHY use essential oils?
Essential oils....
* are antibacterial,  anticancer, antifungal, anti-infectious,  antimicrobial,  antitumor, antiparasitic,  antiviral and antiseptic. * are so small in molecular size that they can quickly penetrate the skin
* can affect every cell in the human body within 20 minutes and then is metabolized like other nutrients.
* contain oxygen molecules that help to transport nutrients to starving cells, thereby working to strengthen the immune system.  
* are very powerful antioxidants that help create an unfriendly environment for free radicles.  They prevent all mutations, work as free radical scavengers,  prevent fungus and prevent oxidation in cells.
* have been shown to destroy all tested bacteria and viruses while restoring balance to the body.
* that contain sesquiterpines have the ability to pass the blood - brain barrier, which enables them to be effective in treatment of Alzheimers, Lou Gehrigs, Parkinson and Multiple Sclerosis.

Post # 7  Usually the first thing that pops into people's minds when we start talking about natural solutions is all the issues they want to fix within their own lives.  So take a few moments and write down your top 3 health concerns,  how long you've had them and what you spend on them (time, energy and money). You can list them on this thread or do it privately at home.  My top 3 are depression/anxiety, migraine headaches and recently my doctor has suggested that my thyroid might have some issues. 
Also, I have recently been putting together a plan and list of oils that I want to use during the birth of my baby in June. 

Post #8
One of the biggest myths I here about getting into essential oils are that they are expensive.  Each 15 ml bottle holds 250 drops of oil.  When you take into account you only use 1-3 drops per use, they are actually very affordable, especially when you discover you're trading medicine cabinet shrinking from using oils.  


Post #9  So how do you USE essential oils?  There are 3 ways to receive the benefits of oiling.
1)  Aromatically by using a few drops of oil in a cool mist diffuser.  This will fill the room with the finely mist oil attached to the air molecules.  This is an awesome way to purify the air in your home or office.  You can also apply a few drops into your palms, cup your hands over your nose and mouth then inhale.  These are great methods for combating illness or manage moods.
2) Topically, for children or adults with sensitive skin, it is always recommended to dilute with a carrier oil (fractionated coconut oil,  grapeseed oil, almond oil)  Most people can apply an oil "neat" which means applying them directly from the bottle.  Be aware of "hot" oils like Oregano, Cinnamon,  Clove and OnGuard,; always use a carrier with these oils.  
3) Internal.  Only pure therapeutic grade oils can be safely ingested. You can ingest them by placing them in a capsule, in your water or juice, or directly under the tongue.  
Because essential oils are so potent and effective, you only need a drop or two each use.  Less is more!  ALWAYS avoid essential oils in the eyes or ears.  

Post #10 Lemon is a very versatile oil.  Used for it's antifungal, antiseptic  and antiviral  properties, it is a great way to safely clean those kitchen counters.  Lemon essential oil also has powerful antioxidant and antidepressant qualities, making it a must have oil in everyone's collection. It's invigorating and refreshing scent will go great in your diffuser.

Post #11 Lavender is an extremely healing oil.  Placed on burns, rashes, bug bites or stings, poison oak/ivy, or sunburns, this oil soothes and heals skin irritations.  Lavender is also used to help issues with sleep, depression, allergies, pain, anxiety, grief and stress to name just a few.  

Post #12 Peppermint is widely known for helping suppress nausea and upset stomachs.  But did you know it is also helpful in reducing fevers, cold sores, fatigue, headaches, bacterial infections while it supports the nervous and respiratory systems?  

Post #13 Frankincense is known as the "king" of all oils.  it's is one of my absolute favorites.   Frankincense is an oil that we like to use for anything and everything around our home.  Frankincense is an immune system stimulant, helps wI think infected wounds and inflammation,  minimizes scarring, and can aid in the removal of moles.

Post #14 Melaleuca (also known as Tea Tree Oil) is used for skin irritation,  owies and a ton of other things in my home.  It's known for its analgesic,  antibacterial,  antifungal,  anti-inflammatory  and antioxidant  properties.   Melaleuca is also great for congestion, digestive issues, tissue regeneration  and is a strong antiseptic.   When antiseptic ed to shampoo it is also a natural lice preventative. I get REALLY bad stress cold sores and whenever I use Melaleuca, it stops them in their tracks!

Post #15 Digestzen is a wonderful oil that aids in digestive issues. It also helps to soothe upset stomachs or move constipated ones.  This oil goes everywhere I go.  We also like Digestzen to aid in relieving stuffy read that right.  When applied to the sinus area, it provides unmatchable relief.  

Post #16 Sore, achy muscles got you down.  Well there's an oil for that!  Deep Blue essential oil blend has a cool, therapeutic effect that can be felt almost instantly after gently rubbing into the sore areas.  You can even add it to your bath with some Epsom salt for that whole body treatment.  Deep blue is also great for migraines.  

Post #17  How do you GET these oils in your home?
There are 2 main choices: retail and wholesale.  If you are wanting to try just one or two oils then you can purchase them here at
But, getting a wholesale membership is the MOST popular and saves you the most money.  It's just like a Sam's Club or Costco  membership.   There is also a bonus with this option called the Loyalty Rewards Program.  This is the smartest way to buy oils and the only way I purchase mine.  DōTerra rewards me with free oils for ordering thru the Loyalty Rewards Program. I have earned hundreds of dollars in free products!

Post #18  Loyalty Reward Program in greater detail.  
  What is doTERRA's Loyalty Rewards Program (LRP): 

Post #19
Are you ready to begin your journey with essential oils??  The most cost effective way is to begin with a starter kit.  There are several amazing kits to choose from and you can see them all here at
But if you aren't ready to do a kit, you can always go the individual oil route.  I will be more than happy to help get you started regardless of the path.  

Post #20  Giveaway time!  Wild Orange is another of my favorite essential oils, especially in my diffuser!! It energizes and uplifts but is also known for its anti-fungal properties.   

Post #22
Thank you all so much for attending the class tonight! I have truly enjoyed sharing my love of oils with you.  I will hang out for a while to answer any questions but feel free to PM me as well.  For those of you who are interested in starting your journey, I will send you the Introductory Set of Lavender, Lemon and Peppermint if you place an order of 100 PV or more, I will send you Modern Essentials book which is a must have for all oilers.